Speech & Language Developmental Milestones
Numerous research studies indicate the importance of early identification and treatment of speech-language disorders as such yields better outcomes in the overall communication skills of children. Participants will be able to identify typical versus atypical speech, language, and hearing development in children aged birth to 5-years-old. This practical course will prepare participants for recognizing when children are not attaining developmental milestones in the areas of speech, language, and hearing.
Let's Talk: Technology Tools for Students with Speech Delays
Learn about technology tools for PreK-5 students with expressive language delays. Examine the prevalence of speech delays, signs to look for, seeking assistance, and technology tools that can help. Explore a variety of interactive technology devices, Augmented Reality, and apps that inspire students to do the talking. All technology skill levels are encouraged to attend.
Tech Talk for Tots: Enhancing Communication in Young Children
Learn about enhancing overall communicative abilities in young children through the effective incorporation of technological tools in everyday activities. This interactive course will allow you hands-on experience with a variety of interactive technology devices, Augmented Reality, and apps that encourage receptive and expressive language development in PreK-5 students. All technology skill levels are encouraged to attend.
Digital Storytelling on the iPad
Discover and explore technological applications that can be used for digital storytelling with primary and secondary grade level students. Digital storytelling helps students with time management, problem-solving, and communication skills. Digital stories contain some mixture of computer-based images, text, recorded audio narration, video clips, and/or music. All technology skill levels are encouraged to attend.
Engaging Clients with Augmented Reality (Coming Soon)
Augmented reality (AR) is a type of virtual reality that aims to duplicate the world's environment on a digital device, such as an iPad. AR applications allow users enhanced interactions with their environments by transforming real-life objects into computer-generated 3-D images. This fun and interactive class will allow participants to explore AR flashcards, Zoo AR, LEGO connect, Earth AR, Our Discovery Island: Phonic Tricksters, and so much more!
Reading for Meaning with Read Naturally Live (Coming Soon)
Learn how Read Naturally Live uses motivational curriculum on a powerful web technology platform that supports fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and phonics for struggling readers. This interactive program provides guidance to primary and secondary grade level students through visual and auditory cues, and allows caregivers, teachers, and speech-language pathologists the ability to track the progress of students. All technology skill levels are encouraged to attend.
Executive Function (Coming Soon)
Discover how children and adolescents with diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, and problems in social, emotional, and behavioral functioning, often display impairments in their use of executive functions. Children may display difficulties in getting started on tasks, sustaining attention and effort levels, following multi-step directions, staying organized, and managing time effectively. Learn about how executive functioning difficulties are often undiagnosed in many children, but their problems are usually identifiable through school.
Creating your Personal Learning Network (Coming Soon)
Personal learning networks (PLNs) offer parents, caregivers, educators, and therapists the opportunity to develop a customized network supporting meaningful and relevant learning for users. PLNs can be a rich source of learning that fosters connections that become a part of personal or professional development. This course will allow participants to develop their own PLNs through exploration of Twitter, AllMyFaves, Education Technology & Media, plus more.
Developmentally appropriate practices